
The sections below have been selected.


Diachronicity in Literary Studies and Linguistics

Monika Fludernik (Freiburg), Olga Timofeeva (Zurich)

Exploring the Potential of Digital Media and Pop Culture for TEFL

Ralf Gießler (Wuppertal), Theresa Summer (Bamberg)

Language and/in Film

Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer (Chemnitz), Christian Hoffmann (Augsburg)

Nomadworld: Global Mobility and the New Anglophones

Carolin Gebauer (Wuppertal), Pavan Kumar Malreddy (Frankfurt), Jan Rupp (Heidelberg/Wuppertal)

The Return of Utopian Aesthetics and Politics in 21st – Century Literature

Gigi Adair (Bielefeld), Nadine Böhm-Schnitker (Bielefeld), Ronja Waldherr (Aachen)